Posted by : Unknown Monday, March 17, 2014

SAP Security tables
AGR* SAP Security tables contain data about roles.See tables below for details
USR* table contains user master information.
USH* table has change documents information.

you may use SE16 or SQVI to display data from these tables.

UST10CComposite profiles (i.e. profile has sub profile)
UST04User profiles (multiple rows per user)
USR40Table for illegal passwords ( never enter * in this table)
USR13Short text for authorisation
USR12Authorization values
USR11Text for authorisation profiles
USR10Authorisation profiles (i.e. &_SAP_ALL)
USR06License data
USR04User master authorization (one row per user)
USR02Logon data (password, user name, validity date etc…)
USR01User Master Data (runtime data)
USOBXFLAGSTemporary table for storing USOBX/T* change
USOBX_CCheck Table for Table USOBT_C
USOBXCheck table for table USOBT
USOBT_CRelation Transaction to Auth. Object (Customer)
USOBTRelation transaction to authorization object (SAP)
USH02Change history for logon data
USGRPTText table for USGRP
USGRPUser groups
USER_ADDRAddress Data for users
AGR_USERSAssignment of roles to users
AGR_TIMETime Stamp for Role: Including profile
AGR_TEXTSFile Structure for Hierarchical Menu – Cus
AGR_TCDTXTAssignment of roles to Tcodes
AGR_PROFProfile name for role
AGR_OBJAssignment of Menu Nodes to Role
AGR_HIERTRole menu texts
AGR_HIER2Menu structure information – Customer vers
AGR_DEFINERole definition
AGR_AGRSRoles in Composite Roles
AGR_1252Organizational elements for authorizations
AGR_1251Authorization data for the activity group
AGR_1250Authorization data for the activity group
AGR_1016BName of the activity group profile
AGR_1016Name of the activity group profile

This is the vast list of USR,USH & AGR tables

Table nameDescription
USRVIEWTABUser-specific Tabstrip View
USRVIEWCOLUser-Specific Column View
USRVARTShort Texts for Variants of Critical Authorizations
USRVARIDPart List of Variants for Critical Authorizations
USRVARCOMTShort Texts for Variants of Critical Combs of Authorizations
USRVARCOMVariants of Critical Combinations of Authorizations
USRVARVariants for Critical Authorizations
USRURLSVRLogical Web Servers for Logical Systems (User-Specific)
USRURLPRSTable for Personalization of Services
USRTREECOLUser-Specific Column Permutations per Array Type
USRTICLASSClass Assignment for Tabular Maintenance of iPPE
USRSYSUZUSCUA: Texts for Special Versions
USRSYSUTYPCUA: Texts for User Types in SAP System
USRSYSUTPACUA: System Measurement: User Types with Attributes
USRSYSUPPLCUA: Assignment of User Types to Price Lists
USRSYSUPLCUA: Price Lists in SAP System
USRSYSPRFTCUA: Profile Text in Distributed Systems
USRSYSPRFCUA: Profiles in Distributed Systems
USRSYSLNGUser’s Language in a System
USRSYSACTTCUA: Roles in Distributed Systems
USRSYSACTCUA: Roles in Distributed Systems
USRSTAMPTime Stamp for all Changes to the User
USRSETTINGS_DYNPUser Settings: Navigation Tree – Dialog Structure
USRPDMUser-Specific Data in the PDM Environment
USROBJECTSTable of Previous Initial Object in Structure Overview
USRMMUser settings: material master
USRMETHODMethod to be called when distributing users
USRM3Material Master User Settings: Retail Organizational Levels
USRM2User Settings for the Material Master: Logical Screens
USRM1Material Master User Settings: Organizational Levels
USRM0Material Master User Settings: Screen Reference “User”
USRLUISETTINGS_DYNPUser-Specific Settings for Profile
USRLUISETTINGSUser-Specific Settings of the iPPE Workbench Express
USRLUIPROFILE_DYNPUser Assignments to Profiles
USRLUIPROFILEUser Assignments to Profiles in the iPPE Workbench Express
USRLISTPROFILEVariable List Definition in PDM Environment
USRINKONSReference table for FMs for determining inconsistencies
USRINFOExtended User Info for SM04
USRGISTACKiPPE Workbench: Stack
USRGISETTINGSUser Settings for the iPPE Workbench
USRGIPROFIL_WTYAssign User Profile
USRGIPROFIL_DYNPDialog Structure: User Assignment – iPPE Workbench
USRGIPROFILUser Assignment to an iPPE Profile
USRGIFOLiPPE Interface: Folder
USRGIFAViPPE Interface: Favorite
USRGETSTRCStructure for user transfer
USRGETFTRTransfer Structure
USRGENPRSTable for General Workplace Personalization Data
USRFLDVALCUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes
USRFLDTSELSelection of fields
USRFLDTCUA: Text Table to Define Logical Fields
USRFLDSELCUA: Field Attributes
USRFLDGRPCUA: Field Selection Groups
USRFLDDEFCUA: Definition of Logical Field Names of ALE Distributed Users
USRFLDCUA: Definition of Logical Fields
USRFIELDCentral user maintenance: Field maintenance allowed or not
USREXTIDTTValues Table for External ID Type (Texts)
USREXTIDTValues Table for External ID Type
USREXTIDHExternal ID (Access Using Hash Value)
USREXTIDAssignment of External ID to Users
USREL_UTUser Administration: User in Relationship (with Time)
USREL_USAUser Administration: User – System – Activity Group
USREL_USGUM: Assignment of User (Group) to System (Type)
USREL_UAGUM: Assignment of Role to User
USREL_SAGUM: Assignment of Role/Position to System (Type)
USREL_ATUser Administration: User in Relationship (with Time)
USREL_3User Administration: Relationship Between Three Objects
USREL_2User Administration: Relationship Between Two Objects
USREL__UUser Administration: User in Relationship
USREL__SUser Administration: System in Relationships
USREL__AUser Administration: System – Activity Group
USREFUSVARAssignment of Reference User Variable to Reference User
USREFUSReference user for internet applications
USREFTransfer structure for cross-reference function modules
USRDFLT_PERS_ALVUser Settings – ALV Display
USRDFLT_KEYKey for User Settings
USRDFLTUser Settings Field/Value Combination
USRCRCOMBPart List of Variants for Critical Combinations of Auths
USRCOMBTShort Texts for Critical Combinations of Authorizations
USRCOMBCritical Combinations of Authorizations
USRCOBJObject Filters for Exploding Product Structures
USRCDTStructure for Change Documents (Technical View)
USRCDStructure for Change Documents Display in RSUSR100
USRBF3User Buffer Content for Fast RFC Logon – New
USRBF2User buffer content for fast RFC logon – new
USRBFUser Buffer Contents for Fast RFC Logon
USRATTRAdditional Attributes for Users
USRARCSTATReloaded Archiving Runs
USRACLEXTExtended SNC Access Control List (ACL) for Users
USRACLSNC Access Control List (ACL): User
USRACCNTVGenerated Table for View USRACCNTV
USR41_MLDTransaction Data for USR41
USR41User master: Additional data
USR40Table for illegal passwords
USR30Additional Information for User Menu
USR22Logon data without kernel access
USR21SShadow table: Assignment of user name to address key
USR21Assign user name address key
USR20Date of last user master reorganization
USR16Values for Variables for User Authorizations
USR15External User Name (Replaced By Table USRACL)
USR14Surchargeable Language Versions per User
USR13Short Texts for Authorizations
USR12User Master Authorization Values
USR11User Master Texts for Profiles (USR10)
USR10User master authorization profiles
USR09Entries for user menus (work areas)
USR08Table for user menu entries
USR07Object/values of last authorization check that failed
USR06SYSSystem-Specific User Classification (License-Related)
USR06Additional Data per User
USR05User Master Parameter ID
USR04User master authorizations
USR03User address data
USR02Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use)
USR01User master record (runtime data)
USR_VALUESTransfer structure for selection acc. to auth. values
USR_TREESNODENode Structure of a Simple Tree (Report SAPTREX3)
USR_LISTGenerated Table for View USR_LIST
USR_FLGNTPersonal User Settings / Without Transport
USR_FLAGSVarious Flags for Authorization Programs
USR_AUFKUser-Defined Fields of AUFK
USH12_ARC_TMPChange History for Authorizations: Last Archive Entries
USH12Change history for authorization values
USH10_ARC_TMPChange History for Profile Data: Last Entries from Archive
USH10Change history for authorization profiles
USH04_ARC_TMPAuthorizations Change History: Last Entries from Archive
USH04Change history for authorizations
USH02_ARC_TMPChange History for Logon Data: Last Entries from Archive
USH02Change history for logon data
AGRR2TR2 roles transfer structure – Texts
AGRR2R2 transfer structure
AGR_USERTAssignment of roles to users
AGR_USERSAssignment of roles to users
AGR_UPLTXStructure for upload description text
AGR_UPLTStructure for upload node types
AGR_UPLOStructure for upload node types
AGR_TXTRole and Text
AGR_TRANSHelp Structure for Translation
AGR_TRANTransport modules of external personalization objects
AGR_TIMEDTime Stamp for Role (Profile Comparison, RFC Distribution)
AGR_TIMECTime Stamp for Role (User Assignment)
AGR_TIMEBTime Stamp for Role (Profile Generation)
AGR_TIMETime Stamp for Role (Menu, Profile, Authorizations)
AGR_TEXTSFile Structure for Hierarchical Menu – Customer
AGR_TCODES_TEXTSTransaction Codes with Texts from AGRs
AGR_TCODESAssignment of roles to Tcodes
AGR_TCODE3Assignment of roles to Tcodes
AGR_TCDTXTAssignment of roles to Tcodes
AGR_TABPFCG start tree transfer structure
AGR_STRUCStructure to transfer Tcodes into the Profile Generator
AGR_STRINGStructure for the Drag and Drop Tool
AGR_STARTStart Role Maintenance: Structure for Tree
AGR_SPRTXTStructure for the Drag and Drop Tool
AGR_SMENUTransfer structure for role maintenance
AGR_SHIERTStructure for the Drag and Drop Tool
AGR_SHIER_BORStructure for Additional Details with no STRING Field
AGR_SHIERStructure for the Drag and Drop Tool
AGR_SELECTAssignment of roles to Tcodes
AGR_REL_KNUMA_CMAssignment: Agreement –> Campaign
AGR_PROFProfile name for role
AGR_POPUP3Auxiliary structure to input authorization objects
AGR_POPUP2Structure for transaction assignment
AGR_POPUPStructure for dialog box
AGR_OBJAssignment of Menu Nodes to Role
AGR_NUMBERInternal Counter for Assigning Profile Names
AGR_NUM_2Internal Counter for Assigning Profile Names
AGR_MINIT2Role mini-application texts
AGR_MINITRole mini-appl texts
AGR_MINI2MiniApps in Role
AGR_MINIMiniApps in Role
AGR_MEM_INITIALAgreements: Buffer for Initial Upload
AGR_MAPPMiniApps in Role
AGR_MAPMiniApp and Text
AGR_LSDRole attributes
AGR_LOGSYSLogical system
AGR_INFOFilter Values from Generation Run
AGR_ICONDisplay the status icon in the Profile Generator
AGR_HPAGETDescription of the Home Page for a Role
AGR_HPAGERole Home Page
AGR_HIERT3Role menu texts – SAP Original
AGR_HIERT2Role menu texts – Customer version of SAP objects
AGR_HIERTRole menu texts
AGR_HIER3Menu structure information – SAP version of SAP roles
AGR_HIER2Menu structure information – Customer version of SAP roles
AGR_HIER_BORTable for Object-Oriented Navigation (OBN)
AGR_HIERTable for Structure Information for Menu
AGR_FLAGSBRole attributes
AGR_FLAGSRole attributes
AGR_FILTTransfer table filter for PRGN_TREE_START
AGR_FAVOSPersonal settings for PFCG
AGR_EXT_DTLExtended Details for Menu Nodes
AGR_DEFINERole definition
AGR_DATEUPersonal settings for roles
AGR_CUSTOMRole Customizing objects
AGR_CATSTransfer structure for categories/PFCG start
AGR_BUFFI3Internet links table – SAP versions of SAP roles
AGR_BUFFI2Internet links table – Customer version of SAP roles
AGR_BUFFIInternet Links for a Role
AGR_BOR_DTLExtended BOR Details for Menu Nodes
AGR_ATTSRole attributes
AGR_AGRS2Role definition
AGR_AGRSRoles in Composite Roles
AGR_1253Authorization Data for Activity Group – Static Objects
AGR_1252Organizational elements for authorizations
AGR_1251Authorization data for the activity group
AGR_1250Authorization data for the activity group
AGR_1016BName of the activity group profile
AGR_1016Name of the activity group profile

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