Posted by : Unknown Saturday, August 16, 2014

This SAP article will guide you all about How to fix “Values of Variant is Saved for specified screens only” step by step with screenshots.

There is a business need to update one of SAP program RBDAPP01 variants to enable parallel solution to cut job runtime. When we tried to “save” our changes – packet size, server group etc., a window was popped up saying “Values of variant … saved for specified screens only”. Reviewing the variant again, our changes were partially saved- Changes on Idoc selection screen were saved but changes on screen of “Parallel Proc.” were not.

What does the message “Values of variant … is saved for specified screens only” means ? How to fix this?

If you are seeing a similar message during program variant change, this means the program has several selection screens, and you are entering data into at least one of selection screens which has NOT been selected for the variant. So data for the un-specified screen is not saved. To fix this, you need to

  1. Find out screen number of the specific screen ,

  2. Change the variant attribute to select the needed screen using the screen number and

  3. Then you can go ahead to update the data in the screen and your data would be saved.

If you would like to know the details, please continue reading.

Steps to fix “Values of Variant is Saved for specified screens only”

1 The message – Vales of variant saved for specified screens only

Changes were made in IDOC selection screen and “Parallel Proc.” Screen, following information pop-up window was showed when I tried to save the changes.

052614 0131 ValuesofVar1

Figure 1 ABAP variant – Values of variant saved for specified screens only

When you created a variant, you can specify selection screens needed for a variant. To fix the issue, you need to change variant attribute to include the needed screen. In this case, it is “Parallel Proc.” screen.

2 Find out screen number of selection screen

We need to verify screen number first. You can find screen number of your current sap screen via menu System -> status in the SAP window. Following screen shows that screen number is “1200″ for “Parallel Proc.” Screen.

052614 0131 ValuesofVar2

Figure 2 ABAP variant – find out screen number of a SAP screen

3 Change attribute of program variant to include/select the needed screen

You can change program variant via S38 or directly from job step list screen of SM37. Figure 3 shows that the screen 1200 is not selected. That is why data on this screen cannot be saved.

052614 0131 ValuesofVar3

Figure 3 ABAP Variant – specify selection screens for a variant

Click the check-button prior to 1200 and save your screen attribute changes

4 Update the program variant in the new enabled selection screen

Since the Parallel Proc. Screen of RBDAPP01 is now included as part of the variant, we can enter and save our changes without any issue now. The pop-up window is gone and status message is saying “vales of variant * saved”- Issue resolved!

052614 0131 ValuesofVar4

Figure 4 ABAP variant – change variant

If your ABAP report program has only one selection screen, you would not run into the message when you are trying to change an existing variant. This post assumes that you are familiar with program variant creation. If not, you can refer to SAP training document.


Now, you must have got clear idea about How to fix “Values of Variant is Saved for specified screens only”.



How to fix "Values of Variant is Saved for specified screens only"

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